Sunday, February 7, 2010

snowfalls on sundays

There is something so acceptable about a whole bunch of snow coming on a Sunday. Snow feels like such an inconvenience any other day of the week, but on Sunday, it just gives you a good excuse to relax and take the morning nice and slow. My morning has consisted of :
1. homemade biscuits with raspberry jam
2. walk + playtime with Jus and the dogs (ruby & winston)
3. close to 10 mindless minu
tes of looking out the window at the snow. ruby's doing the same thing. she fits in so nicely here!

Despite the pile of homework that I need to complete today, I feel as if the day can't be all that bad if the morning was so blissful. Crossing my fingers!

ps. mel - dressy! Same dress, different colours.


  1. some thoughts:
    1 i love these dresses.
    where are they from?
    2 i need to meet this new dog of yours.
    3 you need to post more!

  2. kare! they're beautiful! you're beautiful! i love and miss you. let's talk soon.

  3. i love days that make you want to cuddle with you honey or fave blanket... love the dresses!
